🚀 Advanced Internship Programs are Open for Early Signup!
(Fall Season 2024) 🌐 archangel.agency/internships/
Fall Unpaid Internships
Advanced Training Programs
🔍 Cyber Ops
🕵️♂️ Cyber Investigator – 🔗 archangel.agency/cyber-investigator-internship
💻 Net Runner – 🔗 archangel.agency/net-runner-internship
💻 Dev Ops
📱 App Developer – 🔗 archangel.agency/app-developer-internship
🔧 Backend Developer – 🔗 archangel.agency/systems-engineer-internship
🧠 Psi Ops
🔮 Psi Operative – 🔗 archangel.agency/psi-operative-internship
⚙️ Psionic Engineer – 🔗 archangel.agency/psionics-engineer-internship
🛡️ Hero Ops
🛑 Zone Guardian – 🔗 archangel.agency/zone-guardian-internship
🚑 Rescue Ranger – 🔗 archangel.agency/rescue-ranger-internship
✨ Everyone from any previous Internship Program at Archangel Agency gets fast-track entry and pick for any additional Internship Programs!
Notes and Summer Retrospective:
New website plugins and business connections are giving us more opportunities to communicate and manage tasks. 💬
Development of the Starcom App was a flop, but the discovery of the Decentralized Grids and work done on the RelayNode technology is critical to making the Starcom App work! 🌟 We aren’t done—not by a longshot. I’m looking for people to sign up for the next internship program to get down to business on releasing and deploying Starcom to 🌐 starcom.app 🚀
⚡ Monthly Hackathons on the RelayNode technology are in the works for Sept, Oct, and Nov. Advertisements are going out, and marketing support is coming in from ChargEasy! Also, check out the ChargEasy Unpaid Internship Program – producing the RelayNode for the Decentralized Energy Grid!
ChargEasy Events:
🔗 web.chargeasy.org/events/
ChargEasy Unpaid Internship Program:
🔗 web.chargeasy.org/event/unpaid-internship-program-decentralized-energy-grid/